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Elder Law

Elder Law & Judicial Consultation Summary
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Weatlh Protection

We work hard to acquire assets worth protecting.  We cannot control events which might lead to our incapacity or death.  We can, however, control the management and disposition of our estate with proper planning.  The right plan will preserve our assets while ensuring access to the beneficial entitlements under American Law.


Estate Planning

"I would like a simple will." 

This is the most common phrase spoken to any attorney and the biggest mistake in estate planning because it bypasses the plan.  A "simple will" might cost $300 to acquire, but it might cost those who are condemned to rely upon it, the entire value of the estate. 

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Probate is a judicial means of granting management authority over a decedant's estate.  One might need a probate attorney in any estate plan; but if you find yourself inheriting an estate entirely subject to probate, you will surely need an experienced attorney to minimize the time, and cost of this action. 

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Consult Us

Our office provides everyone with a 30 minute, free consultation; but, this is most effective if we can exchange written materials prior to the conference.  Contact us so that we may exchange relevant materials and schedule a phone conference this week.

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